Silicone beauty by Z-Onedoll as deluxe mannequin in Guangzhou

One of the silicone beauties by Z-Onedoll serves as deluxe mannequin in a lady bags store in Guangzhou. On display is a Z-Onedoll ZO-160 body style with the Z-Onedoll A21 head.

This amazing showcase demonstrates, that life-sized and life-like love dolls can be much more than willing sex toys in bed. The fascinating poseability of these silicone ladies allows to use them as well as mannequin to present clothing, accessoires and much more!

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Z-Onedoll ZO-160 mit ZO-A21 Kopf als Luxus-Mannequin in Guangzhou
Z-Onedoll ZO-160 body style with ZO-A21 head as deluxe mannequin in Guangzhou
Z-Onedoll ZO-160 body style with ZO-A21 head as deluxe mannequin in Guangzhou
Z-Onedoll ZO-160 body style with ZO-A21 head as deluxe mannequin in Guangzhou